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Global Warming Pencil Drawing



To add to my post deforestation also causes global warming because since trees are comprised of 50 carbon when they are burned to clear the land the stored carbon gets released back into the air.Deforestation and climate change. Burning fossil fuels in combination with destruction of carbon sinks due to deforestation and other activities has contributed to more and more carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere - more than can be absorbed from existing carbon sinks such as forests.Deforestation and Its Extreme Effect on Global Warming. From logging agricultural production and other economic activities deforestation adds more atmospheric CO2 than the sum total of cars and Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. Throughout history and into modern times forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing and to obtain wood for fuel manufacturing and construction.. Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world. About 2 000 years ago 80 percent of Western Europe was forested today the figure is 34 percent.Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas deforestation is a direct contributor to the greenhouse effect and consequently global warming. Apart from being responsible for allowing gaseous carbon dioxide to linger in the atmosphere deforestation also contributes towards increased carbon dioxide emissions.Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world s land area but they are disappearing at an alarming rate. Between 1990 and 2016 the world lost 502 000 square miles 1.3 million square

Degradation and deforestation of the world s tropical forests are cumulatively responsible for about 10 of net global carbon emissions. In Sierra Leone the serious and accelerating rate of deforestation is threatening the biodiversity and ecosystem balance. It is also contributing to global climate change.deforestation. Noun. destruction or removal of forests and their undergrowth. greenhouse gas. Noun. gas in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide methane water vapor and ozone that absorbs solar heat reflected by the surface of the Earth warming the atmosphere. resource.For both domestic and international transfers please indicate in the notes field that this is a donation to Reversing Deforestation and Global Warming Project 28917 US Electronic Transfers To the account of GlobalGiving c o TD Bank 1753 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington DC 20009 Contact Customer Service Phone 202-232-5784 Email help Jakarta Eleven places in the world - 10 of which are in the tropics - will account for over 80 per cent of forest loss globally by 2030 according to research released today by WWF. Up to 170 million hectares of forest could be lost between 2010 and 2030 in these deforestation fronts if current trends continue according to findings in the latest chapter of WWF s Living Forests In 2005 Brazil was losing more forest each year than any other country. The good news is that today Brazil has reduced deforestation in the Amazon rainforest by 70 percent according to a recent study.By not cutting down its forests and thus keeping 3.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere since 2004 Brazil has done more to reduce global warming than any other country in the Overall Deforestation in Brazil alone is highly detrimental to Earth s Global Warming crisis today. Deforestation leads the way in causing animal extinction. The habitat and homes for many species is lost and cannot be regained after deforestation takes place.

Conclusion To conclude global deforestation and forest degradation rates have a significant impact on the accumulation of greenhouse gases GHGs in the atmosphere. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that during the 1990s 16.1 million hectares per year were affected by deforestation most of them in the tropics.Deforestation along with other types of land use change accounts for close to 11 of annual global CO2 emissions. From 1861-2000 deforestation accounted for 30 of CO2 emissions according to the new research. Deforestation can also affect temperatures through its effect on a range of different physical processes.Editor s Note This story is the second part in a series. Please read part 1 part 3 and part 4 for a more complete picture of Amazon deforestation.. For as long as people have inhabited the Amazon rainforest they have left a mark on the landscape. But never have humans changed the rainforest as dramatically as they have in recent decades.Indonesia accounts for only 1 of Earth s land surface but the rainforests that cover the country s 18 000 islands are home to 10 of our planet s plant species according to NASA.However between Deforestation is a primary contributor to climate change. Land use changes especially in the form of deforestation are the second largest anthropogenic source of atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions after fossil fuel combustion. Greenhouse gases are emitted during combustion of forest biomass and decomposition of remaining plant material and soil carbon. Climate Change Global Warming Many climatologists believe that increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses released by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation are warming the Earth. The mechanism commonly known as the greenhouse effect is what makes the Earth habitable.

The effects of climate change are everywhere. Arctic and Antarctic ice is melting leading to rising sea levels. The frequency and strength of storms is increasing leaving destruction in their wake. And rainfall patterns are shifting causing devastating droughts and floods. As our climate breaks down billions of people are already struggling Deforestation clearing or thinning of forests by humans to make the land available for other uses. Deforestation is a major driver of terrestrial habitat loss and habitat fragmentation and contributes to global warming. Learn about historical and modern deforestation and its effects.Deforestation and forest degradation are the second leading causes of global warming responsible for about 15 of global greenhouse gas emissions. In Thailand forest cover has declined from 53.5 in 1961 to 31.6 in 2014 as a result of population growth infrastructure development agricultural expansion illegal logging and uncontrolled Climate change and deforestation have flipped a large swathe of the Amazon basin from absorbing to emitting planet-warming CO2 a transformation that could turn humanity s greatest natural ally in Let us have a detailed study of global warming its causes and its effects. Also Read Environmental Issues. Causes of Global Warming. Following are the major causes of global warming Man-made Causes of Global Warming Deforestation. Plants are the main source of oxygen.By one estimate the amount of carbon given off because of deforestation in Indonesia accounts for a whopping 4 of global carbon emissions from just .1 of the earth s land surface.

Deforestation is the clearing or cutting down of forests. The word is normally used to describe the actions of humans in removing forests from the planet rather than destruction caused by such natural events as hurricanes.That is the nature of American Exceptionalism to be skeptical of government. In 1930 s Germany 100 of the scientists agreed with the government s policies. I am open-minded to the science that proves Global Warming and my skepticism lies more within the realm of questioning whether it is a bad thing considering the coming Ice Ages et al.The Amazon is at the heart of global climate concerns. Not only does the destruction of rainforests add to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere it creates a positive feedback loop - where increased deforestation causes a rise in temperatures which in turn can bring about a drying of tropical forests and increase the risk of forest fires.Texas Tech professor Katharine Hayhoe untangles the complex science behind global warming and highlights the key role our faith and values play in shaping our attitudes and actions on this crucial topic. Hayhoe delivered the Beggs Lecture on Science Spirituality and Society at Cornell on October 25 2012.Tropical deforestation is a major driver of climate change. In areas such as the Amazon forest ecosystems absorb and store carbon and cutting them down emits between 2.9 and 3.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide every year or around 8 of the global total the report says. But deforestation is only part of the story.Deforestation warming turning Amazon into source of CO2 Updated Wednesday 14 Jul 2021 16 36 An aerial view of deforestation in Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo Biological Reserve in Altamira



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